My One Year Bible plan doesn't look super exciting for the next two months or so. Right now I'm at Exodus 28 and I've got Leviticus and Numbers to look forward to. But you know what? God is starting to show me some of the purpose in these books and the imagery speaks of Christ and his redemption of the world.
Exodus 28:15
Make a chestpiece that will be used to determine
God's will
Insert into the pocket of the chestpiece the Urim and Thummim...the objects use dot determine the
LORD's will
Exodus 28:29
...Aaron will carry the names of the tribes of Israel on the chestpiece over his heart when he goes into the
presence of the LORD in the Holy Place. Then, the LORD wil be reminded of his people continually.
In all the details given in this portion of the Old Testament I think it's important to keep two big pictures items in mind--God's purpose in all of this is to reveal His presence to His people and to reveal His will.