Exodus 37:1 Next Bezalel made the Ark of acacia wood
Bezalel not only made the Ark, but all the other utensils, curtains, furnishings, and coverings that were used to make the Tabernacle. He was especially gifted by God to craft all these things (Ex 36:1) as well as to teach his skill to others (Ex 35:34). In fact ten chapters of Exodus (25% of the book!) is devoted to the plans for the Tabernacle and the craftsmanship that Bezalel and others faithfully carried out.
The common quality of wise people is that they listen to others. Why did God take the pains to ask Moses to write down ten chapters devoted to the plans and construction of the Tabernacle? After all, so much of these ten chapters merely repeats itself. Because it underscores that fact that Bezalel listened carefully to God and faithfully carried out his commands. He stands in stark contrast to the rest of the Israelites (see story of Golden Calf, Ex. 32). Though it took him approximately one year (Ex. 40:1), much of it probably mundane, Bezalel completed the task God gave him.
What tasks does God have in mind for me to complete? Am I carrying them out with diligence, faithfulness, devotion, and joy? Am I setting an example for others with my attitude, focus, perspective, and diligence? Am I allowing others to learn and participate in my work, like Bezalel did? (Ex. 36:2, 35:34, 35:21)
The common quality of wise people is that they listen. Am I listening to God and obeying?