Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Okay, I hope this graphic shows up alright. This is a graphic detailing the pathway of the tornado that went through Iowa City last week. If you look closely where the tornado veers due east and then back northeast, you will see a red dot.

That is where my brother and sister-in-law's house is located. The tornado was heading directly towards their house and then ACROSS THE STREET decide to head due east, thus avoiding their house.

Thankfully they weren't home at the time, and thankfully their house was spared. I really like what Dana wrote "God spared us. He didn't have to but He did. I am so thankful." (Her graphic might show up better). It reminded me of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo who told Nebuccadnezer "Our God will save us, but even if he doesn't, we still won't bow down to you!" It's a faith that's not dependant on circumstances to be thankful to God.

We visited them last weekend to celebrate Easter and Josh's 30th birthday and took a tour through tornado alley. Wow. It looked very similar to destruction we saw in Louisiana (albeit on a micro-scale in terms of area of land affected). Seeing twigs and boards imbeded into pre-stressed concrete walls made me convinced that the stories of tornadoes pushing hay through tree trunks are actually true.

UPDATE: Click on the graphic to see a more clear picture

1 comment:

Maren said...

that's some good biblical insight, Karl.
