Thursday, May 11, 2006

Jesus in the OT

Something I've always heard, but am only beginning to appreciate is how Jesus Christ and his life, death, and resurrection are all over the Old Testament. This is what I read today:

Judges 20:29 They went out on the third day and assembled at the same place as before...Then the men of Benjamin saw that they were beaten.

The background is that the tribe of Benjamin rebelled against the rest of Israel and Israel came to punish them. The first day was a day of great death and defeat for Israel. So was the second day. But on the third day came victory and justice. Sound familiar!?

Christ died and stayed dead for 2 days. It seemed like defeat. But on the third day he rose, and that's when victory was accomplished.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Okay, I hope this graphic shows up alright. This is a graphic detailing the pathway of the tornado that went through Iowa City last week. If you look closely where the tornado veers due east and then back northeast, you will see a red dot.

That is where my brother and sister-in-law's house is located. The tornado was heading directly towards their house and then ACROSS THE STREET decide to head due east, thus avoiding their house.

Thankfully they weren't home at the time, and thankfully their house was spared. I really like what Dana wrote "God spared us. He didn't have to but He did. I am so thankful." (Her graphic might show up better). It reminded me of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo who told Nebuccadnezer "Our God will save us, but even if he doesn't, we still won't bow down to you!" It's a faith that's not dependant on circumstances to be thankful to God.

We visited them last weekend to celebrate Easter and Josh's 30th birthday and took a tour through tornado alley. Wow. It looked very similar to destruction we saw in Louisiana (albeit on a micro-scale in terms of area of land affected). Seeing twigs and boards imbeded into pre-stressed concrete walls made me convinced that the stories of tornadoes pushing hay through tree trunks are actually true.

UPDATE: Click on the graphic to see a more clear picture

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

answered prayer

Since I began campus ministry, I've known many of the Hmong students at the U of M. Their office is just a few doors down from the Rock Students office. Frankly, I love them! They have the largest, proudest, most active, and supportive student group I've seen. Since that time I've prayed for them, and that God might reach the Hmong community with the Gospel.

This afternoon, I had a student stop by the Rock Students office on the way to the HMSA (Hmong Minnesota Student Association) office and tell me proudly "I started going to church and I'm getting baptized this week!" How exciting to hear!

I didn't have a huge influence in this student's life in terms of sharing the Gospel with her or anything like that. But I was praying for her people, and I was a witness for Christ.

And God began answering that prayer of mine.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Quickert Rd.

Most people don't know this about my dad, but he grew up on Quickert Rd, which is up on the mountains above Saratoga, CA. At the time, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Geneva Quickert were the only ones living on this private road.

Thanks to google images, I've also learned that you too can live on Quickert Rd at the tune of almost $4 million in a 6 bedroom, 5000+ square foot mansion. In addition, the Stanford cycling has used Quickert Rd and the surrounding area for training. They offered this picture and review:

"Brutal, oppressive, brutal, painful, savage, arduous, killer, murderous, blood-and-guts, formidable, backbreaking, grinding, fatiguing, unsparing, harsh, merciless, intense, exhausting, austere and even slavish!"

Friday, April 07, 2006

Monday, April 03, 2006


Last week Maren told me she had a surprise for me on Sunday. So on Sunday she blindfolded me and where did we go? The World Short Track Speed Skating 2006 Championships of course, at our very own Mariucci Arena.

One of my dreams that will never happen is to go watch the Olympics. Maren figured this was about as close as we'd get.

The South Koreans pretty much dominated. Typically they'd be towards the end of the pack for most of the race and then just dominate the last two laps and beat everybody. They also had a loud and proud cheering section which you can see to the left of the "M." Complete with drums, flags, and signs. Maren and I found it surreal that we were actually at the 2006 World Short Track Speed Skating Championships. Partly 'cause why would they choose Mariucci Arena? Partly 'cause as you can tell hardly no one was there to watch. That was fine with us, though, because we got great seats!

So apparently when there's a big nick in the ice, snow and water won't quite do. They have to bring in more specialized equipment - like a fire extinguisher. What's funny is college-age skating minions usually do all the work on the upkeep of the ice, replacing lane lines, etc. I swear they end up skating more at the end of the day then the competitors! The only time the judges get involved is to inspect the minions' work...and to use the fire extinguisher. I think they secretly enjoy using it.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Cleaning up a mess

We leave on Saturday to clean up this mess. There will be over 200 people staying and working through just the church that we'll be at. Pray for our attitude! Put 200 sinners under the same roof and I can guarantee selfishness will real its ugly head. Put 200 saints under the same roof serving God, and it will be a fantastic 5 days.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

thought of the day

There are many second chances in life,
But no second chances at life.

Monday, February 06, 2006

(un?)interesting facts about me

Four Jobs I’ve Had in My Life:
*Hamstuffer and Knock-out personnel (I basically worked with raw meat at Oscar Mayer)
*Biology Lab T.A.
*Plastech line tech (I worked 3 weekends for them one summer to earn extra cash)
*Biology lab tech

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
*The Life of Birds
*Band of Brothers

Four Places I Have Lived:
*DeForest, WI
*San Salvador airport (well, for 27 hours anyhow)
*Placentia, CA (NOT placenta) - it's near Anaheim and Disneyland
*various apartments around the U of M

Four TV Shows I Love To Watch:
*Simpson's - oddly I've never really watched many episodes, but I've loved everyone
*Winter or Summer Olympics - I'll watch any and every sport they show from skiing to rowing to figure skating
*World Series

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation:
*Disneyland (I've been at least 10 times - it helps that we used to live 1 mile away)
*Badlands and Yellowstone and Nampa, ID (car trip to a family reunion)
*Quepos and La Fortuna, Costa Rica (volcanos and rainforests and beaches)
*Fort Myers Beach, FL (for our 1 year anniversary)

Four Websites I Visit Daily:
*blogs (unless I take a fast due to too much distraction from work
*yahoo (I get calvin and hobbes delivered to my e-mail each day!)
*wells fargo (a couple time a week)

Four Favorite Foods:
*chocolate chip cookies (I'm a snob, my favorite is the ones I make)
*ice cream, especially homemade! (same as Maren)
*really good bread (crusty exterior, chewy interior; same as Maren)
*Nestle Chocolate Quik

Four Places I Would Like to Visit:
*Niagra Falls (same as Maren)
*Africa safari
*Cooperstown, NY (baseball Hall of Fame)
*Great Wall of China

Four People I Am "Tagging":
I don't feel like tagging anyone.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

matthew 19:14

Matthew 19:14 - Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.

I have two stories that explain this verse.

One of the most touching moments for me at Faithwalkers was during worship when I saw these 4 kids, probably ages 5-8 jumping up and down praising God. Where I was standing, nobody was really doing that at all. These kids must have seen the people at the front and center stage jumping up and down and decided this is how they wanted to praise God as well.

I was so touched I almost went up right next to them to jump with them! I was thinking about how in a world where so many kids are influenced by movies they shouldn't see and bad role models to swear and fight and tell dirty jokes, these kids were being influenced in a positive way to praise God.

Ok, now for my second story. I've written before about my sister, Amy, who is 12 and the sweetest girl on the earth. Yesterday, I got a letter in the mail from her in her traditional "Coconut" stationary. For those of you who aren't on the up and up in pre-teen girl trends, Coconut is a white dog that has all these outfits you can buy for it (it's part of the American Girl's dolls collection). Along with the letter came one $20 bill, one 10, four 5's, and ten 1's - no lie.

Dear Karl,
How are you? In this envelope is $60 donated from me to you as a missionary. I hope you can use this money to help tell others about God. How is Maren? Do you know when you are next going to visit? We are about to leave to AWANA so I'd better stop writing.
God Bless You, Amy Quickert

PS This wasn't actually my idea, it's a section in our AWANA book, but I still hope you can use the money.

Needless to say Maren and I were blown away. She's 12. 12 years old and she's giving me $60. What an example to me and to others! The fact that she sent it in big wads of cash makes me wonder if my parents were even aware of what she was doing. If they knew, I'm guessing they would have sent along a check instead.

God, PLEASE answer the faith of my little sister and use this money to tell others about You.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Thank you card

Have you ever received a gift in the mail and unwrap it to unveal an appliance box? And often times, you open up the box, and the gift is really something completely different?

Maren and I decided to send our grandparents a framed wedding picture for Christmas.

Yesterday, Maren and I received a thank you card from my grandparents thanking us for the waffle-maker. We just hope they didn't try and return it the store!